Reiki is a form of alternative medicine and spiritual healing that works by channeling positive energy into targeted areas of the body from the practitioners palms. Reiki promotes deep relaxation, relieves stress and anxiety, helps to energize the body and balance chakras. It also encourages physical healing and recovery. Remote energy sessions for animals, children and adults can be scheduled via
Essential oils are naturally occurring compounds found in plants, flowers, tree bark, stems, and roots. These extracted oils help promote physical and emotional wellness. There are many varieties and blends to fit your needs. If you're interested in learning more about essential oils, email me or jump over to my wellness site and check them out for yourself:
Just like processed foods, beauty products also contain toxic chemicals and preservatives that may cause irritation to your skin. You may no longer tolerate products that you’ve used for years. If you’re noticing itchy eyelids, skin rashes, or breakouts, it’s very possible that your body is reacting to chemicals in those products. I‘ve been using Sweet Minerals makeup for years. Check them out her